
Friday, August 24, 2012

What to Wear

what to wear to your session!?

First thing to decide is what style of portraits you would like when considering your wardrobe. Stylized? Is there a Theme? Traditional?

Also consider whether you would like formal, or casual. Will you have time for outfit changes?

Second thing to get out of the way- YOU DO NOT NEED TO MATCH OUTFITS IDENTICALLY WITH EVERY MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY! and yes it is necessary to put that statement in all caps. ;)

Here are some easy tips to 
plan your session wardrobe:

TIP #1. Simple as it sounds "get pretty". Give your hair and make up a little etxra TLC.

TIP #2. When in doubt, stick to solids. Solids are versatile, wont distract from the subject.

TIP#3. Instead of the family wearing all white- (which actually is one of the hardest colors to photograph.) Consider adding a little variety.  For example you may wear shades of the same color (purple, lavender, royal purple..), or all wear warm colors (red, orange, yellow) Etc.

TIP #4. Don't know where to begin? Pick one person's outfit and build around it.

Here is a little visual guide- styles can be found at stores like Old Navy & Gap.

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